Corporate Engagement

Discover how your organization can partner with SDSU

Unlimited Possibilities

Whether you are looking to train a diverse workforce, collaborate with innovative researchers, join a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, or something more, we will work with you to create a customized partnership that helps you achieve your unique goals.

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Engage with SDSU

Plants growing in sand inside of a glass held by a researcher wearing blue gloves

Sponsor research

Our experts can help you create new knowledge with additional funding or equipment.

Explore options with Natasha Bliss and Stacy Carota.
Mission Valley Innovation District rendering

Co-locate at Mission Valley

Lease space for labs or offices at the SDSU Innovation District.

For Mission Valley Innovation District inquiries, contact Hala Madanat and Laura Buffard.
Environmental engineer Christy Dykstra working on wastewater recycling

Commercialize an invention

Our Technology Transfer Office handles patents and available inventions.

Contact Laura Buffard or Tommy Martindale.
Social Work Internship Fair

Diversify your workforce

Career Services regularly hosts job fairs, panels and more for SDSU talent to network with employers.

Contact Danny Newell and the Industry Relations team.
Cintas and SDSU partnered to provide lab coat cleaning services

Sell your products or services

Business and Financial Affairs handles procurement on behalf of the university.

Contact the Procure to Pay team with inquiries.
Library in Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center

Reserve campus facilities

SDSU Conference Services is happy to help host your event.

Fill out the team's information request form for assistance.

Successful Partnerships

“It was my honor to act as a Judge at the SDSU Student Symposium. The quality of the science, research and the students’ knowledge and passion was world-class. Being a judge was such an inspiring experience!”
Anthony Roberts, Project Analyst at Qualcomm
Participating as a judge in the Student Symposium was a great way to connect, support, and give back to the education infrastructure that provides students with the opportunity to propel themselves at the early start of their career path. It was exciting to spectate and observe each student showcase their skills as they worked through their research and presentation.
Anthony Roberts, Project Analyst at Qualcomm
Sponsor the SDSU Student Symposium